Friday 23 March 2012

printing workshop - steffi

5 secs

3) 26 secs            2) 23 secs            4) 27 secs                 
         f32                      f32               f32                        
             c-0                    c- 0              c-o                              
   m-53                     m- 50           m-  53                      
y-65                      y-  65                  y- 661/2                      

1) 27 secs        2) 15 secs  
f32          f22
c-0         c-0
m-52 1/2       m-52 1/2
y- 65 1/2       y- 66 1/2

3) 32 secs               4) 32 secs
f32                       f32
c-0                       c-0
m-52 1/2                 m- 52
y- 65 1/2                y- 56

Throught the process i tried colour burning, which helped darken the base colour and began reflecting the blended colours, i also thought this helped increase the contrast.

The other two final images images had the exact same colour balence as the scanned prints above, which made it easyier for me when printing.

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